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I am sorry It will be khana,but this should not be a name.
She thinks this is an important thing, KHANA. She always talk about khana khazana.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

I don't know whom should i name specifically as all the people here are good and are like friends in short period which i have spent here. :)
Yes I am as new as you are. I have joined just before you therefore, I consider all of them my friends.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

I still quite new here... so don't know everybody.. But so far all looks quite friendly.. So I would like to meet all if I will get chance..

I know Sunil and SJ before I join here.(from few other sites).. So they will be on first in my list. :)

Let arrange party in four major metro city and join to meet with each other.
I still quite new here... so don't know everybody.. But so far all looks quite friendly.. So I would like to meet all if I will get chance..

I know Sunil and SJ before I join here.(from few other sites).. So they will be on first in my list. :)

Thanks Anand. :)

Suny is nearby my home and its easy to meet him for me and talk but i think you are in Gujarat but you visit regularly in Delhi in Nehru place. :)
H ehe... Yes I am in Gujarat.. But not visiting delhi regularly.. I have only visited Delhi just two times. and that also very long ago..

So you and suny should have meet... have you?

H ehe... Yes I am in Gujarat.. But not visiting delhi regularly.. I have only visited Delhi just two times. and that also very long ago..

So you and suny should have meet... have you?

Yes we should have met but Suny remains out of Delhi most of the time so that's the reason probably. :laugh:
Oh.. So update each other about the location.. and you can meet whenever suny returns in Delhi. :)

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