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Alam I have also seen the movie Anaconda. Really nice moviee.Black water is another movie you can see. I think you will like it.
This is really very Gud information... Such a big whale... What do they do with this whale.? They use this for medical purpose or they will eat?

No Vinodh i think they will pay large amount of money not for the eating purpose.I think they will use by our medical staff to know they are such large in size.Or they put it in a museams.
the body of the whale can be used in manythings like food items, its oil of it used in few medicines its skeleton in some other making products.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think people will use it to eat only the reason of death still unknown or question mark.

Santosh Kumar Singh


people generally eat the fat that is accumulated in the whale's body........not very sure about the flesh.....

Thanks ram for informing us the movies on the large whale.i see all movies.But this is a reality.

On discovery channel yo can regularly watch programs based on whales. About how these whales work and how hunting is going on these whales.
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