A large Whale is found at a karachi's sea coast dead.It is found on 7 Feb 2012.It is sold for about 18,58,5 dollars.

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Oh, another one found in Pakistan this time. There was a big one found in Philippians in the last quarter of the 2011. That one was a live one and had reached on the shores. That was taken to safe custody to be released in deep sea later.

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Yes this is too big and much costly but what they will do this whale . they will eat.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I think no one can have it as a dish. It is no eating fish.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Seeing this whale i remember about a movie called " Lake Placid" i watched recently........although it is about crocodile, but the strange thing was it was 30 feet long Asian Pacific.......

Do watch the movie when you get time........

Smriti jaws-1, Jaws-2,Jaws-3 all are serial movies and very good to see.
Nice information shared by Alam.

woh........ it is tremendously very large and scary to see. Well it is died so Pakistan will earn a lot from it.
Whale is really very big. This is strange news. Keep posting such stuffs.
Thanks ram for informing us the movies on the large whale.i see all movies.But this is a reality.
Smriti jaws-1, Jaws-2,Jaws-3 all are serial movies and very good to see.
Nice information shared by Alam.

Is it about whales or some other species.....

I my favourate Animals movie Is Anaconda.There are such a large snake and people are able to defeat them Nice to see that.
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