The day not far away when there is a 100 rupee coin in your hand.It is soon Issued by union government but the stock is limited.
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Let us see the first 100 Rupees Coin.This Is rare.

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Alam already started a thread regarding this. So try to post in that.So no need to continue this.
Alam nice collection and I have never seen this but heard about this coin.
I have search a lot more.I cannot find it can you give me a link for that Thread.So i post this picture over there.
Alam here is the link:
Ram i think there might be some difference as link provided is for coin and stamps from ancient times or that existence has been over and 100 rupees coin has coming soon.One is Future and other is past.
Ok let continue this thread.I thought under that thread we can post some rare collections.
generally coins don't seem to be working..... how many of us have 10 INR coin????

...people prefer paper made rupees more.......

Yes but coins are more safer than the notes. When It rains also no problem with coins.

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that was a really good advantage of coin that you have mentioned...but notes are more handy......

sasi as you said coins are safe when it is raining but they are unsafe when it is raining and not raining because now a days the coins which are released are not have any difference. There is no difference in look between 10 rs coin and 50Paisa coin.Its better note is the correct one to handle

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