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I have this type of 10 rupee coin. This is good to see such coin but now a days there are releasing coins which are look same. There is no difference between 10 rupee coin or 5 rs coin

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is good thread as i didnt seen both 100 rs coin and 10rs coin. Thanks for sharing those pictures. Also thanks for our friends for shareing the advantage and disadvantage of coin. :)

Sarala you cannot find difference between 5 rs and .50 paise both are having nearly same size.

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sarala there are lots of difference between the both the Coin. Both have different Shape even they have different value on it.If does not difference then buy a 10 rs thing by that 5 rs coin.
Sarala 10 rs coin is more bigger than 5 rs coin you can see the difference between them with eyes only.

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Rs. 10 coin is generally kept as a souvenir now a days......the govt. has stopped making that coin....even i have few of them.......

A few number of 100 rupees coin released by Govt. so unavailable in market.I read it in a newspaper.
Ram have you seen any 100 rupee coins. I don't have any coins. Is any body have 100 rs coins.

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Finance minister Pranab mukherji inaugurated the replica of 100 and 150 rs poin but not released ,so unavailable to see.
Rs 100 coin was released in the occation of 100th birth centenary of Mother Teresa.Here is the picture-

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