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That Nice information about book you Share.I try to read from that collection.
@swetha, thanks for sharing very informative articles.
IS it possible to post our own article on forum!??

Dear Vinodh

I got permission from Maverick to post only 2 forum articles,so only 2 was posted.

Otherwise it is advisable only to post it as articles.

Swetha Shenoy
wrenen martin is the best english grammar book and very interesting book

I agree Wren & Martin's is standard book on grammar. Also one may learn this from internet. There are some good articles on correct usage of English Boddunan also.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Swetha your links are so good. I studied some of them and bookmarked them to practice more to improve my English.

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It New thing come to know about Forum that we can post at least 2 Articles in forum section.
Alam I didnt get you? Can you please explain me what you mean. you said new thing in forums is 2 articles posting forums. What this mean.
Who told you?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala go to the swetha post so you will know what Alam told. :) :)

Earn money just for joining in this site.

well, alam you cannot do that because i took special permission only for my post since it was hinted towards learning English

Swetha Shenoy
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