When we get out of theater after seeing certain films, we may say, "This film is really great. It really holds a message for society to learn. We should do like this"
But how many of us implements such great ideas to our life?
Can films influence human life or is it just a time passing machine bought in rent for 2 or 3 hours?

Meera sandhu
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Actually films are just for fun and entertainment. However, when we face a situation similar to what we have seen in films, we instantly think about the film and its message. We do what we should do at that moment. It teaches us a lot. Many films are fictious but some are based on real stories.
Film are made to enjoy and we have to enjoy movie rather than take a lesson from that movie.But according to me i see amovie which give a me a great lesson as well as enjoyment.I think you must remember that film.Not other than " 3 Idiots" this give us moral value that person become successful when the choice is taken by him not other.What he want to become he try for that but he must have a clear idea and interest in that thing.If people apply this they must get success in life.

This is a kind of movie i never forget.
Films are entertaining but these have themes that influence our mind. The influence may not be direct but there is an impression on subconscious mind. This impression is not only of films but also literature, media, TV and radio etc.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It's true. Films influence us very much. Heroes of films become heroes of our life. Of course, we love them though they are none to us. It the strange influence of films on people.
We get both good and bad things from films.
In Kerala, 2 years before a bank robbery was done, exactly the same way as film 'Dhoom', which was a sensational news at that time and police were able to find the thieves. Many accidents are occurring when kids imitate heroes.
A boy wants his wife to be like a heroine, who has only good qualities. Similarly, a girl wants her man to be a hero who fights against evil, honest, handsome, romantic. But actually, all the qualities will not be there together in a man or woman, of course.
Parents can teach children to be brave as hero or good as heroine, Be honest, not greedy, earn a living etc....thus making them role models.
Thus films can leave on us both good and bad marks. It is up to us to decide which we should select.

Of course, films teach us a lot, though we don't care much to find what are they.

Meera sandhu
Now a days films which is used for society is not coming. Films of crime and sex is taking major part due to this crime rate is increased.

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So you think, films teach us only negative things.
In other words, people get inspired from only negative things?
They won't accept positive things?

Ok...let me ask you a personal question? Why have to selected face of Tapan for you, instead of your own identity in Bodhunan?
Tell me frankly.

Meera sandhu
This is my opinion only. Due to movies many people moved towards. They felt they are like heroes and doing just like what actors do in movies.

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few films will have some message which we can implement in our daily life. suppose 3 Idiots movie it gives a message that we should not study for the success , we should study for getting knowledge then success comes to us automatically

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Three idiots is a good movie which gives a lesson to life. This movie is really helpful to young students. It showed how we must love studies.

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Sasi you Words Are not 100% Wrong But Wrong.This Film Give Us a Lesson that Students get success in Their selected Field.If You love some specific field go for that why wasting you time on other that is Not yours.
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