Which is that food which you can't stop eating even if you promise 1000 times that 'I will control myself? ':laugh:

Meera sandhu
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I think i have this fondness for 'chola Bhatura'.....i just can't resist it...and the good thing....i make them yummy.......so would not have to depend on anyone else........

Now, I think I should taste it. What is your secret recipe?
Can you post it as an article with some nice pictures?

Meera sandhu
Ice cream which i cannot stop eating and i forget about the dieting

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I like the chicken very much and i forget all my other diet in front of him.
of course, I will post it......with some nice pictures....actually i made it today, so would definitely do it........ :)

Thiruvananthapuram Sadya with 11 or 13 side dishes, 5 curries and 3-5 payasam. What to need more???/ :laugh:
I would very soon be posting an article of the complete menu of TVM sadya in detail with photos

Now a days, I am a die-hard fan of EFC(European fried chicken), available at Thrissur only in Kerala. :) It can really cause our weight gain :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Mostly I like the Briyani Most and i forget all the Diet Before Biryani.
I think the delicious chocolate cakes, pastries and icecream.
i like chicken briyani a lot. While eating chicken briyani i will forget all my diet control.(specially made by my mother - she makes it very tasty) :cheer:

i like chicken briyani a lot. While eating chicken briyani i will forget all my diet control.(specially made by my mother - she makes it very tasty) :cheer:

I want your chicken recipe very soon. Ask your mom to share it with me. I am serious.
I have challenged my husband that I will make excellent Chicken biryani at home

Meera sandhu
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