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Don't control your month control your mind and heart automatically you will leave it.

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Don't control your month control your mind and heart automatically you will leave it.

Tried it many times but could not but now think why should i when i eat Chinese only once or twice in 3~4 days. :woohoo:
The delicious Pav bhaji tempts me to forget dieting plan no matter how hard i try to control myself. The mouth watering buttered pav are such a delicacy to have a bite on with the spicy bhaji garnished with butter and coriander on top of it.
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The delicious Pav bhaji tempts me to forget dieting plan no matter how hard i try to control myself. The mouth watering buttered pav are such a delicacy to have a bite on with the spicy bhaji garnished with butter and coriander on top of it.

I don't know to make Pav Bhaji....Now, I think, I should definitely try to make it at home :cheer:

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Meera sandhu
I forget my diet when I see sweets, chocolates, Icecreams, panipoori, samosa chat, aluchat,non with muttar paneer and any spicy food

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I forget my diet when I see sweets, chocolates, Icecreams, panipoori, samosa chat, aluchat,non with muttar paneer and any spicy food

Even after eating all these things, you remain ultra slim. What is the secret behind this?????

Meera sandhu
hmm nothing secret sandhya. Just walking is my secret. When I used to do job in my home town and in hyderabad, as I dont have vehicle, so I used to feel my legs are as my wheels.So wherever I want I go by walk and I never feel any pain.

When I used to work in my home town, that company person didnt pay us. as he didnt pay us, I dont want to waste my dad money through his petrol. so I used to goto office by walk and even come to home by walk.

Now I stoped eating all these. Actually I dont have chance to have them. as I dont go out. Now am trying to prepare in home. So I am learning them to prepare.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

And send them to me as parcels..... :P

Meera sandhu
yes surely I will send to you parcel. when I cook them well :)

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Please consider my choice as well I like idlis most, if some one makes them well keep a parcel for me also.

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