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Yes it is common no one just start talking freely in the first meeting with any one. :)
Even me don't like to talk unnecessarily to any one so I am having less friends.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Even me don't like to talk unnecessarily to any one so I am having less friends.

Even i don't talk much but i have many friends. :laugh:
That I have also.. Okay than.. I am not that different from others that I

That I have also.. Okay than.. I am not that different from others that I

:laugh: hahaha you are not different Anand. :laugh:
Pls tell this thing to my family by coming here.. They thinks that I am too shy and don't interact with people well.

Doing activities in a haste is another thing that I can't do, even if they are simple

Meera sandhu
i cant make a straight line even with the help of ruler i dont know why it happens.i get very angry when my line become a little bit of slanting specially in geometry figures and in graphs also.

I cant able to write an single word when Im angry. :( also i cant able to scold or speak on that time. :(
laughing-smiley-face_2012-04-19.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)

I cant able to write an single word when Im angry. :( also i cant able to scold or speak on that time. :(

I am imagining how you will work in forum while you are angry

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Meera sandhu
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