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{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5290]}

It's Happy Valentine Day,Time For Two Hearts To Be One
What Else Would But Love To Be There When We Are Gone!
It's Between You And Me - Let The Whole Know And See
We Loved,Love And Will Love Till The End of The Journey
With Love At Heart We WiIl Scale Many A Peak Of Happiness
Forgetting The Earthly Momentary Pangs Of Nothingness
Blessed Are The Ones, Who Love And Make Other Love
Smiling Through the Ordeals Of life,Putting Love Above!![/quote]
Nice poem Chinmayjee,
But you quoted same words twice.... :woohoo:
Even then its ok
Let Sasi come and we can start again
goodnight.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

Meera sandhu
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5298]}
Nothing is unfair including duplicate posts in love and war!!!
Good poems here from a great poet. Chinmoy jee rocks on valentines day. :laugh: :laugh:

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This is how you tell your feeling in front of your partner.

This is to thank you for being by side
For comforting and caring when I was all confused inside.
This is for the phone calls you make every day
Just to tell me “I love you” every minute of the day.

The way you take my hand in yours
For all the world to see
That this is the woman
Who is most special to me.

You always seem to know
When I need a hug, kiss or smile…
You never cease to amaze me
When you say, “I'm here…let's talk for a while.”

In decades past we've had our share
Of ups and downs and problems galore
But you are the one who remained at my side
Never thinking of walking out the door.

I adore the way you tell me,
“You are my forever best friend,”
I love the way I believe in you…
And that you will be there till the end.

Thank you for all the time you give me
And for saying, “It's never enough…”
Thank you for listening as I ramble on…
When things become rather tough.

We are in the best years of our lives
Thirty four years on our journey together
I want to grow old with you…and you with me
I want to love YOU---FOREVER.
Is it your words......or another copy cat?????/ :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Alam this is not your poem that you are copied from some where. :P :P

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Sasi how many among us are poet.Every one at least one copy things from another site.
Sasi how many among us are poet.Every one at least one copy things from another site.

But Alam,
This thread is to post his own works only.
You can quote such copied ones in 'Valentine wishes' page :)

Meera sandhu
Ok Sandhya i respect your word.From next time i post a self written peom.Sorry for that.
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