On januaury 1st of 2012 earth quake occured in japan.It is having a magnitude of 7 on the rictor scale.

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It is such a bad news and a bad start of the year for Japan. So many people would be homeless and would have lost family.
It is such a bad news and a bad start of the year for Japan. So many people would be homeless and would have lost their familes.
It is such a bad news and a bad start of the year for Japan. So many people would be homeless and would have lost their families.
I don't know why my post is shown 3 times, I think by mistake, so would request moderators for this forum to delete the other 2 repeated posts.
vidhi this happens due to the slow of the internet you submitted twice so it taken thrice.

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yes its a really bad start of the year for the people of japan..
Sasikanth, thanks and yes I think there was some problem with internet connection at that time and so I submitted it twice. Hope it would be taken care of. Duplicate posts shouldn't be allowed.
Earth quake was strong but there were no signs of tsunami in sea that saved the nearby areas.
yes, today morning i heard the news , its really bad to hear.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

7 is so high thank God its not happen In India because previously We know what happen in Gujarat.

Santosh Kumar Singh



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