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Actually I advice to all do not select rich girl if you select middle family then it will good but if your status and you are rich then you can select rich girl but there is no rule to marry with poor or rich girl.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Surely can.
But in our country, it happens only in the case of love marriages.
It is really sad that in arranged marriages money is given most preference in most cases. Only very few men think 'I will marry a poor girl'. Even if he thinks so, he may be pressurized by his family and relatives to opt for a girl who brings 'Lekshmi' along with her.

Meera sandhu
[quote]Surely can.
But in our country, it happens only in the case of love marriages.
It is really sad that in arranged marriages money is given most preference in most cases. Only very few men think 'I will marry a poor girl'. Even if he thinks so, he may be pressurized by his family and relatives to opt for a girl who brings 'Lekshmi' along with her.[/quote]

Sandhya it is true.
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