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when compared with google+ and facebook you will find the better difference.

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I feel soon facebook will loss its demand as it is not safe one

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Already many of the persons closed the facebook account and moved to google+.

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yes, what you said is right sasikanth. so facebook demand is getting reduced day by day

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes its true we able to get track of our old friends from facebook easily. search facility is good.

Santosh Kumar Singh


facebook is attracted by many people by their day to day update features. Recently facebook has introduced the new feature as Timeline.

If anyone know about this feature, pls explain briefly.

@ vinodh timeline is a new is different from earlier profile view as there is a cover photo and a separate display picture and it shows the activities of the person according to the month.
Vinodh how to use the feature time line in the facebook can i know about this.

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just visit a profile of a person who has a timeline...there you will see a option to get a timeline.
I think soon this google plus will overtake facebook as they are trying so much.

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