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Thanks Kalyani,Ajay and Santosh! It's all my pleasure to be back in your midst!
To my mind bottomline is surely not 10k or 20k, rather it's the kind of pleasure we get and give to others!!
Thank you said by: ajay
Thanks Kalyani,Ajay and Santosh! It's all my pleasure to be back in your midst!
To my mind bottomline is surely not 10k or 20k, rather it's the kind of pleasure we get and give to others!! [/quote]

I agree totally! And in any case, one serious and active member is worth 10 inactive members!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: ajay
Ofcourse, number of people would reach beyond 10K by the end of this year.
Thanks Kalyani,Ajay and Santosh! It's all my pleasure to be back in your midst!
To my mind bottomline is surely not 10k or 20k, rather it's the kind of pleasure we get and give to others!!

I agree totally! And in any case, one serious and active member is worth 10 inactive members![/quote]

true....but we should do somrthing to get back the inactive members...i dont know..but that will be a boost to the site....
Yes i am sure our community will definitely be of 10k members this year .
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