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Normally i will take 2 banana.s on night after dinner. as it is very helpfull to our digestion.

A plain banana with lunch is good.Good for digestion .
Banana face mask is very good for dried skin. You will get very glowing skin after banana face mask.
Banana taking with curd rice helps more than taking normal one.

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Banana is a fruit which is available in all seasons and we can have it in all seasons and have banana and milk early morning is very good for health.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Banana taking with curd rice helps more than taking normal one.

Sasi, i didn't hear this before!! is there any use of taking banana with curd rice? if anything pls let us know!!!

Vinodh , In Andhra Pradesh people have mostly Curd rice with Banana. they will feel that it cools the body and give more strength and weight

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

oh thanks sarala, nice to know that taking banana with curd rice will help to keep our body strength.

Banana peels are also good for some purposes.I had posted on it earlier.

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Banana is good for health, by have banana we can increase our weight and we can become fat. one banana is equal to 10 eggs.the peel of banana has best vitamins.this peel can be used to make our teeth white in color.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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