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vidhi mayur, the girls who are underestimated or treated badly also want to come out of the house , earn good name, be independent financially and even want to give strong answers who demean her but the parents wont let her come out of her and do the things mentioned above. They just keep girl in cage until they perform her marriage. but girl will also have some interests and some aim. but parents feel that the future and career of the girl happens only after her marriage

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala, if parents are treating girls has to be in their control and not let to do anything. then the only solution is coming out of the cage by fighting and show them i can stand along and i can survive the world with good name. then they will realise their mistake and care the girl in good way.

Ok what ever you said is ok, but if a girl come out the cage, then world won't let her live happily as world is cruel and hunger

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

As per my point of view if we feel happy then World is good otherwise its like hell even its good.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Ok what ever you said is ok, but if a girl come out the cage, then world won't let her live happily as world is cruel and hunger

yes u r right, the world is cruel and hungry. but, if a girls feels that live without parents will give her happy then, the girl need to take care by herself and protect herself.

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