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Taking other is beter than have a good tea or black tea. :) :)

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It is not that it turns the body color into black Actually it soaks water from the body which weakens the body cells.
Having black tea is not at all good. anyhow i have no habit of having tea.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala black tea means tea with out sugar is called black it also has some uses.

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Sarala black tea means tea with out sugar is called black it also has some uses.

i think black tea means tea without milk..
tea is good for health esp for those with cold and cough plus green tea is useful for acne and weight loss. thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the link. i never take tea or coffee. so, after this link i came to know that tea is good for health in many ways. so, i chance my mind to take tea hereafter.

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