How tea is healthy for us?

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Thanks for the link, I use to think tea is bad for health, and yes green tea helps in weight loss

Thanks for sharing this. But I want to add something with this.
Piles patients should avoid tea. Tea increases the problem of piles. One should not get addicted to tea.
I used to dislike tea. But i was forced to like tea...

I am a coffee lover...:)

Swetha Shenoy
If one drink too much tea in a day he may get regurgitation problem..
Nice to know that tea has got potential health benefits and I really love the hot cups of tea with various aroma of flavors...!
Thanks. Now I see that taking tea several times a day is not harmful but this has positive affect.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I also think that the tea is not good for our health but after read that i beleive that this is good.
Some doctor who advice to take a little bit of tea also but in limited only.
Some doctor who advice to take a little bit of tea also but in limited only.

Yes it`s true. If we drink too much amount of tea may cause regurgitation problem..
it is not very much healthy but it makes the mind fresh due to presence of caffiene.
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