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Yes I added your karma Gulshan ji I respect you and your posts that is the reasons I added your karma.

Santosh Kumar Singh


It is a nice thing that we all have the quality of encouraging good answers. I too personally like the replies of Gulshan ji.
Gulshanji, Why you locate the person who added your Karma?

I am not personally interested. There was another thread on the topic whether it is possible to locate who added or deducted karma. Then I thought of a way only for fun sake. It struck me that if a karma is changed when you are online, just check who are online and make a guess.

OK,BUt the title of post seems angry!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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Some one is adding my karma also.Thank you very much.Please add more.
thanks gulshan you post give me full and complete knowledge about karma and how it can be add to someone .
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