How to become a good cook?
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One can become a good cook by cooking and cooking only.So,that he can know the amount,consistency etc.
Going on doing cooking you will be a good cook.The best word is "Practice makes man perfect".

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experiment and learn, cooking is easy and fun.....there is no shortcut to become a cook but to experiment....even making mistakes in the kitchen is fun


One can become good cook by lot of practice, Cook should take care in every cooking he do.The cook who make the food tasty becomes a good cook

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

you should try to each time cook food by yourself and check that which masala gives more flavor.
By dedicatedly following your wife and if you are unmarried, you can follow your mother.Unless you have the interest in cooking, you can't become a good cook.

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To become a good cook one should have sufficient interest in cooking and ready to dedicate certain amount of time for it and with regular practice one could become a good cook in no time....
When you get a chance to cook , exploit it and keep on cooking something.

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try to took a person to guide you and make food by yourself by taking the advice.
Try cook as many as dishes, but perfectly with good taste. try to know through googling to become a best cook

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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