How to stop eve-teasing in colleges?
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We can stop eve teasing , giving warning to the guys and girl. If anyone do eve teasing they should be threatens that they wont have any future and put in jail by the management

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Only by taking firm action and here is a role for the college adminstration too!
We can stop eve teasing by giving counselling to the students and make them realise the evil effects of eve teasing.
Severe actions should be taken against the offenders and the eves too should protest against this offence..
Only strict rules can stop's impossible to educate everyone.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
eve teasing or any kind of worse activities of students can be prevented by hard warning to students or if they still not stopped then only to irestigate them
I have heard that certain colleges ask the girls to maintain dress codes and stop them from wearing jeans but I do feel that the girls should also take some training in martial arts for self defense and to gather that much power in them that someone might think twice before teasing them....
Strict rules and severe punishment can stop eve- teasing in colleges to some extend not fully

Strict rules and severe punishment! What punishment? Do you want that offenders be caned.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

this can be stopped by hard warning to students if they do not stop then by punishing them like inrestigating .
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