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I simply can not understand this show of spinelessness on the part of Indian leadership!! China only understands the language of the strong even a small neighbour like Vietnam taught it a good lesson!
If such a tiny country like Vietnam can do it, why can't we? furthermore, Vietnam has always been economically quite far behind India and yet they could do this!
Take example of even Israel, a fairly new and tiny country, born out of unimaginable nightmare, yet others have to think twice before they can carry out any assault on it!

The problem with our country is that there is absolutely no willpower to fight injustice!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This is absolutely correct! I remember my eleder telling us that India almost succeeded in scoring a decisive victory in 1965 war against Pakistan When late L.B.Shastry was Prime Minister and could have used that opportunity to resolve the Kashmiri issue and here again we looked for orders from our then master Russia (USSR) and threw away that opportunity! Now we look to the USA for orders!!
That's is true! 1965 war was supposed to be the decisive war and could have turned the events of the post-independence Indian history. Again, why did Late L.B.Shastry who was supposed to be the most pragmatist leader, compromised and gave away the territory now called POK is a mystery! Probably the roots lie somewhere in the fact that he died shortly afterwards in Tashkent and there were allegations of poisoning. It seems like there was a major conspiracy at play probably to prevent him from resolving the issue of Kashmir forever. It does make sense after all since if this issue resolved, there would be a major impact on the Russian weapons manufacturers! Not to mention other factors involved in it.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It's true that late Shastriji was a courageous person but still the Nehru brigade in the Congress Party had a vice-like grip!!!
yeah if we try to settle down meetings to discuss about the peace with neighborhood countries . this will help in reducing the pressure of wars.
[quote]yeah if we try to settle down meetings to discuss about the peace with neighborhood countries . this will help in reducing the pressure of wars. [/quote]

Wishful thinking that most of us want! But can never happen as the arms and ammunition industry will die out which would be disastrous for many as this industry brings spending money to many nations!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

As some wags put it we need fears of wars to keep peace!
Yes, it can help but it should be from both the countries, if it is one way it can't help

yeah peace is help full in setting relations calm between nations.
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