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The village people do not have any awareness about this population over growth this is because lack of education... The education is the only way to salve this problem......
Must be controlled as it is increasing exponentially and very soon we would become the country with the highest population.Even though the economy is growing at faster pace but every family will only be benifitted if the population is controlled.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
You are absolutely correct,Mukesh! It's almost impossible to match progress with such abnormal rise in population!
I think our mother earth will suffer all the burden for her sons!

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We really have to put a limit to it. Its going on increasing and increasing. But what can be an appropriate solution to this. Every person in this life,needs atleast a child. So,you can't stop to give birth. Even though if one child is given birth,still population is increasing. Yes,i agree that,there would be control,but still population increases even though we give birth to one.

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