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Children have no parents these days.They are exposed to sex and violence at a very young age and grow up with mental health problem,This is the main reason for murder other peoples....
Motives behind murders could be as varied as human characters but what is interesting is that civilized countries have lower murder figures which point to the general societal environment,effective administrative machinery and equally effective if not more, judicial system.In India we have to think how poorly we score on each of these counts!! Here even an under-trial prisoner who is held for murder plans his next murder sitting in the jail!!
murder mostly is done because of anger or greed
murder mostly is done because of anger or greed

The murderer just blindly kills people out of hatred or for selfish interests..
murder done not only for money, wealth , revenge but also just for also they do murders. Now a days doing murders have become easy

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

There are many reasons why people murder other people..Maybe because of wealth, property, love issues, revenge, hatred and many others...
There is one more reasonable reason why people murder other is due to the psycho-ism of others which irritate us. so at that situation people think that its better to stop this psycho-ism and sadism. So in present days mostly husbands are got killed by wives. due to sadism of husbands for dowry or any other reason , the wife get irritated and finally she decided to have peace in her life so she plan to stop this irritation and finally she kills her husband

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Murder is committed to take revenge or out of fear or to defend himself,for greed or out of emotions etc.But in no case, it can be supported as correct action.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
For good purpose if a person murder some one then also it is a crime there is no excuse. Murder is murder, and the person who have done the murder should be punished severely so that no other person commit such crime again

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

People murder other people for personal gain and the murderer has a very mean mentality as murder is not the only solution of things....
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