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I think the rights are enjoyed by urban women but not rural women as of now in India.
Let us face it that ours is a few centuries-old male dominated society and to reverse this trend we need more time. I think in recent years the progress has been steady and we have to wait for a few decades more before women can feel truly emancipated!
I think that women are more empowered than man these days.There are many exclusive laws meant for them and hence they are more protected now.All small issues like domestic violence,harassment at workplace,and coercion for dowry etc are being taken care of.Consequently, there are progressing shoulder to shoulder with men in all walks of life.Yet some antisocial elements are always there to harm them for which they need to be extra vigilant.

Women are more protected. Scheduled castes and backward are protected. This very fact shows inequality. The strong neither seek nor get protection. Women are protectesd as they are more vulnerable and weaker.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

ya women have most of the equal rights now as the men.
We not enjoying equal rights in Indian society. Still women are kept in kitchen and work. they are underestimated by guys or men. No one encourage women to go according to her mind. All feel we men born to marry some one and give birth to kids thats it but no one will give respect to her great thoughts.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

ye women have almost equal rights in india as a man.
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