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The most important thing for me in life is air. I breathe,i live, my brain lives, i can experience everything in life if i can breathe

So people breathe and live!!! :)

Swetha Shenoy
All the above mentioned are important to me, but first comes family and love second money and then time

if you cannot breathe,how can you be with your family?

if you cannot breathe,how will you love?

if you cannot breathe,how will you earn or see money?

if you cannot breathe,how will you experience time?

You should live to experience all that right?

Swetha Shenoy
Breath is essence of life. Breath, blood circulation, heart beat, digestion- these are basic functions of body to keep you alive. These are natural process and you have no deliberate choice.

Here the issue is what you choose- money, family or time. I believe that you need money for self and family. You have to apportion time between job and family. There is actually no choice. Happiness of self and family is object. Money is the means.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

every option is important and has its value in different phases of life.
Love. If love is there remaining things will come automatically.Thats why never miss love in your life

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

all these things are important and have certain values in their points like money is important in today time to survive and parents and love make us able to live in the world they share our joys n sorrows.The person who don't respect the time cant live with respect in world.
All these are parts of life . so each is important as other.
love is the most important thing in my life which waiting from many years

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Every thing is important to me in my life.Family, time, money, happiness all are important.
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