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nice work.. you are inspirer for me in earning revenue in boddunan
Congrats Lohit !!

Can you give more detail information about those documents and cash credits per each document ??

Plzz reply....
Lohit, You seems to be online at college hours also.How it possible?
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Am I right ?

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Lohit- Congratulations. Keep the spirit and go ahead. Wish you best of luck in your examinations as well.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

No Abid these days my 7th semester exams are going on.. and there are 4 or 5 vacations in each exam and you also know about the studies.. We are engineers play one night game with books and exams.. So half day is completely in my hand for boddunan. But normal i gives only 2 hours or less than it in each day..
OK, keep concentration on your exams first.Then only Boddunan because after graduation you will get good job than this or even can start a site like this!!!

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all the best for your exams.
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