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Family is such a beautiful relation ,that we find all other relation less value than this relaion . Family makes us strong,they make a good bonding. They keep us combined and is not easy to separate when they are tightly bounded.

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Any relationship which give mutual love with mutual respect and good understanding in life is the most beautiful one......
I can not think beyond relationship with mother as the most beautiful one!
Family that keeps us together,that cares us with full of love is a good relation.

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Friend is the best relation as we look for a friend in every relation whether it is mother-son, husband-wife, father-son etc.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
Love is the beautiful relation in the world

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

these three relations are ever best relation for life . Not a single relation can be chosen as best.
Three are post important. one cannot decide which is the best.
The family is the worlds best relation after the friend ship and the last is love.

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