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Rank As on 13 July 2010

Alexa Traffic Rank: 117,078
Traffic Rank in IN: 12,741
Sites Linking In: 43

Santosh Kumar Singh


Alexa Rank as on 15 July 2010

* Alexa Traffic Rank: 109,730
* India Flag Traffic Rank in IN: 10,400
* Sites Linking In: 46

Nice improvement.

Santosh Kumar Singh


@Santosh, thanks for the latest update!! The numbers have greatly improved from the past few days!! Indeed a good deal of improvement!! :) :) :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Latest as on 16 july2010

* Alexa Traffic Rank: 108,615
* India Flag Traffic Rank in IN: 10,464
* Sites Linking In: 46
5 Stars

Santosh Kumar Singh


Thanks santosh for the Update.

We are getting a stable ranking around 10400 these days. Hope we work more to make it closer to rank 1.

-Atul B
Santosh, thanks for the update!! The ranking seems to be quite stable!!
What does "Site Linking in" indicate? Are those sites the advertisers??

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Its indicate position in India nothing else. So its great that our site improving.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Good to see 10,000 figure. Hope very soon we will be able to see the rank in 4 digits.
yes again good sign on 17july2010

* Alexa Traffic Rank: 108,253
* India Flag Traffic Rank in IN: 10,197
* Sites Linking In: 4

Santosh Kumar Singh


@Santosh, thanks for the latest update!! The numbers have greatly improved. I hope this is a sure and steady improvement!!! :) :) :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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