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Friends little improvement Than yesterday and I hope with in 2-3 days rank will increased.
Alexa rank as on 17 June 2010

# Alexa Traffic Rank: 136,351
# India Flag Traffic Rank in IN: 20,028
# Sites Linking In: 43

I think there is some improvement. Good one.

Santosh Kumar Singh


But last month our rank was 12000 it has drastically fallen down to 20000. Come on guys need to improvise a lot here.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
It's a phenomenon I find very hard to explain.Let us put on our thinking cap!
Alexa rank as on 18 June 2010

* Alexa Traffic Rank: 135,182
* India Flag Traffic Rank in IN: 21,796
* Sites Linking In: 43

Santosh Kumar Singh


Is it decreasing or increasing ?
An increase in rank is a negative development.A few weeks back the site had a rank around 10000.
What is the reason for this decrease in rank? I could see lot of activities in forum daily.
There is quite a decline in the rankings!!! :( :( :(

what could be the reason for this steady fall??? :dry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Surprisingly the number of new registration has picked over the last few days.
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