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I agree with what Rajani says! There are others forms of spamming going on and those who indulge in it are well aware of their acts.What about some comments which are totally irrelevant and smartly made to log points !!!
Also,I have seen people copy pasting even the comments on posts from other websites.It is really pathetic that they are practicing it in group discussion contest too.
Looks like we deviated the topic :) . Anyway here are my views:

I do understand the real problem. These days there are many people joining site (good sign or bad?) and are posting responses without knowing/reading rules and regulations. This is causing the unnecessary posts many times.

As you stated, we can always go for a better algorithm like
1. checking content - which can be defeated by posting some other content, hard to implement

2. size of content - users post unncessary characters to defeat this

3. remove points for forum posts - a good option?

Please share your views.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Me too +10 for nagalakshmi's view and it is really not so much attractive like before and there are some information being passed however to get points.
Forum is active now due to its points award.If it is cut forums will die.But some control is to be imposed like 5 points for fresh posts and 4 for one day old 3 for 2 day old etc so that old forums will not float up simply for points.

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I understand that points play important role in making forums active, however implementing such complex system would be technically difficult. And also educating new members would be difficult as well.

We need to see alternatives in this regard. What do you feel about a welcome mail with links to all rules?

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

I completely agree with Maverick, and I had already suggested about the welcome mail few weeks ago.
Only educating newcomers and even the old members will solve this problem to some extent, though not fully.
The rules and regulations should not only be send to newcomers through welcome mail rather these should be highlighted on homepage for everybody. I am sure even most of the old members don't know about rules and regulations pertaining to this site. I myself don't know most of the things, though I am new here. Most of the time I am searching at Boddunan.updates categories and faq segments, but still I couldn't get all answers to my queries.
Transparency and easy access to rules and regulations will solve the problem to some extent.Besides these other ways should be found to solve such problem. Transparency will only bring goodwill to this site which is the biggest asset then anything else. It will help in the growth of the website.
Why not Maverick or any concern team of Boddunan ask suggestion from the existing members through the forum only, which will go for the betterment of the website.
Please clarify if I have written anything wrong.
Pradeep, thank you for putting down your views. I too agree with them. A fine set of rules and guidelines visible to everyone would make this issue partly solved and bring in more transparency. Appreciate your views/feedback.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Thank you very much Maverick, I forgot to mention another thing that you should make a heading under name Do's and Don't at the top of the website mentioning details about everything.
I think there should be a striking warning in the case of violation of rules .

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