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If you just want to share knowledge you need not promote the website through your referral link, rather a plain link you can use. Sorry but you must abide by the rules.

Need not say all these to senior members like you but it is unfortunate that the senior members are making mistakes again and again causing their accounts blocked. I request you to participate with the healthy discussions.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

@Chinmoy - I understand every site's policies must be adhered to, all I am saying is they are not user friendly.

@Maverick - I appreciate that atleast you replied and stated me the cause of deletion. But still does not satisfies me.

On many occasion before, I have shared helpful sites but never inserted my referral tracker as those were article writing sites and I knew those who join can learn ropes on their own. The only reason I put my referral tracker for this particular site is that it is a question answer site and many people answer the same question. And for you to earn from your answer your answer has to be awarded.

So, by joining under my referral tracker I can keep easy tab of them and when they answer a question asked by me, I would prefer to award their answer.

Anyways, the only reason I disagree is you moved the whole thread. If you had problem with referral tracker being used on site, you should have snipped that and left the active link.

Anyways, feeling better than before. And next time I will keep in mind before sharing any site.
I too have kept myself away from the discussion forums.It is not very interesting to participate in the forums as the quality is not as observed before.It needs a change.People just post topics for earning more points.I have already posted my opinion here.Just earning points should not be the goal.With in 3 days of time in a week people are able to score more than 1000 points which is extremely unrealistic.Flo dding the forum with unwanted details is not a good sign. :( :(
nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:
[quote]I too have kept myself away from the discussion forums.It is not very interesting to participate in the forums as the quality is not as observed before.It needs a change.People just post topics for earning more points.I have already posted my opinion here.Just earning points should not be the goal.With in 3 days of time in a week people are able to score more than 1000 points which is extremely unrealistic.Flo dding the forum with unwanted details is not a good sign. :( :([/quote]


I agree. Infact many a times real forum posts of help gets moved far too down the list to be noticed.

I faced similar problem in other sites too, but as people knew me very well in that community, they use to mention my nickname in their forum post and I had set up alert for that. SO I could directly go and help!!
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Things are getting a tad lackadaisical at the moment with so many active members including myself not being able to remain as active as before.Hope the quality quotient is raised in the days to come!
We have to abide by rules. If the rules need modification, ask for this but till these are amended or changed, should not deviate. As a country cannot do without law, the site cannot work without rules.

The site is for imparting and sharing views and news. It will be self defeating to convert the forums to chatting site. We get points even by writing congratulation to award winners. I think this practice should go. Almost every day one or the other individual gets award and there are so many congratulatory messages that earn points without any meaningful purpose.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

What Nagalakshmi told is exactly correct.Earning points is not a matter now.

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Can we make use of this thread to list out our thoughts and ideas to improvise the forum discussions?.

1.Some topics which is really in demand can be chosen and can be given extra weight age rather than the other posts.

2.As gulshan mentioned congratulatory messages especially for daily forum activator posts,caption writing contest post and group discussion contest posts should be excluded of awarding points.

3.Improving english writing skills is hardly used.Some mentors can really take up this thread and work to improvise it.

4.There should be a change in the categories included.It is good if we include some new categories which people are in real need of.

Please let me know about your views too.
I think points should be awarded according to the "weight" of the topic discussed.By weight I mean its importance and relevancy.Simple useless posts like thanks,no comments, no idea and congratulations etc should be pointless.But the algorithm to work it will be too difficult.So I think maximum point limit from forum per day is the best way.

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I agree with Nagalakshmi and ABid that some categories and quality post are to be given points...But I dont find That the messages like Congratulation and keep it up ...etc are not having meaning as they boost the spirts of active members..

If you wish best wishes and greet anyone on their birthday it will boost up their day and i dont think it is useless comments. :) Hope all the others agree with me regarding this point.
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