Can any one tell me the latest update of seo - search engine optimization.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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Nice to see you posting thread on SEO ..i hope some one will solve your answer who are capable to answer..sorry i am not aware of update.. ;) :)
I have never heard of these kind of words and sorry if anyone knows can please reply and so that i can update myself.
HEY I DONT KNW ABT seo PLZ LET ME KNW TOOOOOOOOOO...................................... OK?????????????? AM WAITING.........

Why don't you share some ideas on it being an expert in this field?
Actually, am expert in this field 4 years before , now everything got changed.thats why wrote this thread chinmoy.there are many people in our group who know waiting for their reply.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Is there any one who know search engine optimization concept ?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Is there any one who know search engine optimization concept ?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

What exactly you want to know about SEO Sarla. SEO is gearing more towards rich user experience and that will never change.

Now as regards to changes in SEO, I will mention a few major changes:

1. Google no longer attaches importance to keyword density

2. It is important to have your keyword in title and url and 2-3 times in body of text.

3. Not all backlinks are equal. Backlinks from related site would certainly help.

4. Google is now planning to penalize site hosting duplicate content and sites using autoblog sofware and syndicating content sites. Read the latest update here

5.On-page optimization has become more important than off-page.

There are many more changes and things related to SEO. Let me know if you have any specific questions. I will help you out.

And thanks for starting this thread. No offence intented but this site is so low on SEO. I just read november earnings report and this site earned only $172 which sucks downright. I hope things change for better soon
hello friend i did not have any idea about it so i cannot comment on that it is not my opinion.
Can you tell me how to know search engine optimization updates

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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