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yes, Vitamins are very important for human body.
Let us study in detail.

Tindoora/Gherkins(Dondakaya),Leafy wegetable - Iron.

Brinjal is rich in potassium and little amount of calcium.
Rich in fibre and low calories.

Percentage of Recommended Daily Allowances provided by one average potato:

Vitamin C 45%
Thiamin 10%
Niacin 8%
Vitamin B6 14%
Folacin 14%
Panthothenic Acid 6%
Phosphorous 6%
Magnesium 12%
Iron 9%

Bitter gourd(kakrakaya):
It contains vitamin A, B1, B2, and C.
It is believed to be a cholestral regulator and antidiabotic.
It is very effective in relieving haemorrhoidal discmfort.
Rich in vitamins A, B and C. And also contains folic acids.
High in water content.

Snake gourd(potlakaya):
It is much useful in medical, as medicine for jaundice,heart problems, fever,in ayurvedic.
it creates cooling effect in body.

Teasel gourd(akakara kaya):
They are rich in vitamins B and C and minerals like potassium, manganese, magnesium.

Ridge gourd(berakaya):
This contain fibre,vitamin-c.

Bottle gourd(Anapakaya/Sorakaya):
It is a source of Iron and vitamin c.

Pointed gourd(parval/protons):
It contains vitamin A, B1, B2, and C. It also contains minerals like calcium, phosphorous, iron, copper and potassium.

Cluster beans(Goru chikkudu)"
These contains Carotine, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin C and Choline.

Okra/Lady finger(Bendakaya):
Okra is a good source of vitamin C and A, also B complex vitamins, iron and calcium. It is low in calories, a good source of dietary fiber, and is fat-free.

cucumber is composed of water and contains ascorbicacid,caffiec, minerals, fibre, postassium,magnesium, silica,this vegetable much usefull to reduce skin irritation and reduce swelling.

Radish with green leaves contains vitamin c, calcium and proteins.

Raw Jackfruit(Panasapattu):
It contains vitamin C, E, & K.

It is a source of acrotene,calcium,phosporus and vitamin - c.

Suran/Yam(Kanda gadda):
It is rich in carbohydrates,protiens and fibre.Source of magnesuim, calcuim, potassium, thimine and vitamine- 56.

Tapoica (Karra Pendalam):
Low in cost of vitamins and minerals, they are minimul.

This contains, cholesterol, fatty acids,calcium, magnesium and so on.

Spinach (Palakura):
Best source for vitamin B9 and folic acid.

Chinese (Spinach Bachalikura):
dietary, fibre,protien,vitamin-E,A,C.Iron and potassium.

cholesterol, fatty acids,magnesium,calcium

Sorrel leaves(Gongura):
high in vitamin-A,B,c.

Curry leaves(Karivepaku):
Vitamin A and calcium

Fenugreek leaves(Menthi kura):
vitamin c,k ;Potassium,Iron and calcium

Coriander leaves(Kothimeera):
protiens, water, carbohydrates, fat, minerals,fibre.

Green chilli(Pachi mirapakaya):
Vitamin C alot

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes very true iron intake is very much essential for ladies....
In many ladies iron deficiency leads to whitening of hairs too....
Sarala,thanks for the short and sweet details on the vitamins and minerals content in vegetables.It is easy to read. :) :)
Vitamin C helps in iron absorption, and it is especially effective if eaten along with food. This is why it is always a good idea to take Vitamin C supplements just after meals. Foods rich in Vitamin C include citrus fruits, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, berries and capsicum, so make sure you include these foods in your meals with regularity, along with green, leafy vegetables. So your aim should basically be to combine foods rich in iron, with foods rich in Vitamin C, in the same meal.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

thanks sarala for providing good information about the vitamins and minerals.....keep posting......
The following are iron rich foods :Cereals & Grains: barley (Bajra), Rice flakes, rice bran , corn flakes, oats , ragi .
Pulses & Beans: Cow pea, Lobia (black-eye beans), Lentils, Soybean, peas.
Vegetables: Beetroot greens, Mint, Parsley, Turnip greens, all green leafy vegetables coriander leaves.
Vegetables like broccoli and bok choy are rich in iron. These vegetables are high iron and also high in vitamin C
Sea vegetables are very high in iron. Refer the high iron food list given below.Spices: Turmeric (Haldi)
Fruits: Dried dates, Watermelon, Raisins,almonds , walnuts, watermelon, papaya, pomegranate.Fish and Red meats
Iron in Animal Sources Heme Iron --------vitamin C(lemon , orange , amla , sweet lime), which increases absorption of their iron content. The presence of vitamin C in these vegetables help absorb iron.
Importance of Iron

We all know that iron is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the hemoprotein, that transports oxygen in blood. Apart from hemoglobin, iron is also required for the production of myoglobin. Like hemoglobin, myoglobin is a hemoprotein. Myoglobin is however, concerned with receiving oxygen from hemoglobin and storing it in the muscle tissues. Iron also plays a significant role in the synthesis of several important enzymes. It ensures smooth functioning of the immune system, and boosts the level of energy and stamina. This mineral is very important for pregnant women. It has been observed that low level of iron during pregnancy can raise the risk for stillbirth, premature birth and low birth weight.

Iron Rich Fruits

A number of fruits are rich in iron and can provide sufficient amount of this mineral, if they are included in the daily diet. Some of the fruits, which are considered as significant sources of iron are explained below, along with a list of fruits rich in iron.

Dates or dried dates are fruits of the date palm and are considered as highly nutritious. Along with iron, they contain a significant amount of potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, magnesium and vitamin A and B. Dates can boost the level of energy and keep digestive ailments at bay.

This juicy fruit provides not only iron but high levels of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin B and potassium. The iron content of watermelon is quite high. Being rich in iron, it can boost the level of energy and stamina.

Raisins are dried grapes and they are good sources of iron and potassium. Raisins are great for people suffering from anemia. Along with helping to treat anemia, raisins can provide relief from conditions like, constipation and acidosis.

Prunes are known as one of the nutritious fruits. Prunes and prune juice are good sources of antioxidants, dietary fiber, potassium, calcium, vitamin A and iron. Prune juice is an excellent home remedy for constipation. It can also help to maintain healthy eyesight and normalize the level of blood sugar.

Berries including, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries and strawberries can provide a number of health benefits. Along with iron, these fruits contain lots of antioxidants, vitamin A and E, which can strengthen the immune system and prevent many diseases.

Apart from these, there are many other fruits that can provide sufficient amount of iron. A list of these fruits is given below.

Iron Rich Fruits List

* Acerola fruit
* Abiyuch fruit
* Apples
* Apricots
* Avocado
* Blackcurrant
* Bananas
* Boysenberries
* Breadfruit
* Cantaloupes
* Carissa
* Casaba Melon
* Cherries
* Elderberries
* Fig fruit
* Gooseberries
* Grapefruit
* Grapes
* Guava
* Jackfruit
* Kiwifruit
* Litchis
* Loganberries
* Mangoes
* Mulberries
* Natal-plum
* Papaya
* Passion fruit
* Peaches
* Pears
* Pineapples
* Plantains
* Plums
* Pomegranates
* Prickly pears
* Raspberries
* Rhubarb
* Tamarinds

These are some of the iron rich fruits. Many of these fruits are also rich in vitamin C, which is known to promote iron absorption. So, inclusion of these fruits in the diet can not only provide iron, but can also ensure better absorption and utilization of this crucial mineral. Along with these fruits, a number of vegetables can provide sufficient amounts of iron. Spinach, broccoli, bok choy, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, parsley, turnip greens, collard greens, kale, beet root, potatoes (with skin), green peas, alfalfa and tomato are some of the iron rich vegetables. Even nuts and seeds like, almonds, cashews, peanuts, groundnuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds are rich in iron. Other good sources of iron include, whole grains and cereals, beans and pulses, blackstrap molasses, fish, eggs and red meat.
thank u so much dear.......
for sharing this information here........
For middle aged and elderly subjects there is a concern that increased iron intake, especially heme iron associated with consumption of red meat

Very useful information given. Thanks for sharing this information.
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