It is a shocking revelation that a good number of NGOs are playing as stooges in hands of foreign powers to retard development in India. The personalities behind are eminent pesonalities like Swami Agnivesh, Medha Patekar.

Ubdoubtedly, some NGOs have been playing anarchic role. This new revelation is indeed more shocking. It is time that public at large understand the real motives of such NGOs who may be seen to work for noble ideals like fighting corruption, saving ebvironment with hidden motive to stall development and create anarchy or unrest.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Nuclear power projects were long ago declared as a menace to the lives of the people. Any development is meaningless if the development takes place at the cost of human lives. If somebody protest and voice their views on the perils of Nuclear Power Projects, how they are viewed as “Stallers of development”. I fail to understand.
All NGOs are not working against country's interest. Many are taking up the cause of very poor people displaced by big dams and they have got justice which otherwise they would not have got. Yes in many cases foreign funding is a concern
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
I don't have any doubt about 'Narmada Bachao Aandolan' taken up by Medha patkar.
I don't have any doubt about 'Narmada Bachao Aandolan' taken up by Medha patkar.

But she is a persona non grata in Gujarat.
I don't have any doubt about 'Narmada Bachao Aandolan' taken up by Medha patkar.

But she is a persona non grata in Gujarat.

How it makes a difference?Rather I would respect her, though she's is a persona non grata in Gujrat, she's fighting for the problems of the people of Gujrat. Epitome of Nobility .
I don't have any doubt about 'Narmada Bachao Aandolan' taken up by Medha patkar.

But she is a persona non grata in Gujarat.

How it makes a difference?Rather I would respect her, though she's is a persona non grata in Gujrat, she's fighting for the problems of the people of Gujrat. Epitome of Nobility .

NGO's are necessary because all political intentions are not noble. At the expense of the weaker sections exploitation takes place. NGO's raise issues on their behalf and now a days do succeed in getting them justice. Yes there can be black sheep like in all professions. Regulation can be there.
I don't have any doubt about 'Narmada Bachao Aandolan' taken up by Medha patkar.

But she is a persona non grata in Gujarat.

How it makes a difference?Rather I would respect her, though she's is a persona non grata in Gujrat, she's fighting for the problems of the people of Gujrat. Epitome of Nobility .

NGO's are necessary because all political intentions are not noble. At the expense of the weaker sections exploitation takes place. NGO's raise issues on their behalf and now a days do succeed in getting them justice. Yes there can be black sheep like in all professions. Regulation can be there.

As long as the intentions are noble , there is a need of such NGOs to check the thoughtless deeds of the policy makers.
I don't have any doubt about 'Narmada Bachao Aandolan' taken up by Medha patkar.

But she is a persona non grata in Gujarat.

How it makes a difference?Rather I would respect her, though she's is a persona non grata in Gujrat, she's fighting for the problems of the people of Gujrat. Epitome of Nobility .

NGO's are necessary because all political intentions are not noble. At the expense of the weaker sections exploitation takes place. NGO's raise issues on their behalf and now a days do succeed in getting them justice. Yes there can be black sheep like in all professions. Regulation can be there.

As long as the intentions are noble , there is a need of such NGOs to check the thoughtless deeds of the policy makers.

But even such good NGO's need finances to survive. If they do not get it from within the country is there any wrong if they get it from abroad. After all we get foreign money all the time.When it comes into share market it is shown as an achievement although all of us know a good number of investors are going to lose money and only a few smart speculators are going to profit handsomely.
I don't have any doubt about 'Narmada Bachao Aandolan' taken up by Medha patkar.

But she is a persona non grata in Gujarat.

How it makes a difference?Rather I would respect her, though she's is a persona non grata in Gujrat, she's fighting for the problems of the people of Gujrat. Epitome of Nobility .

NGO's are necessary because all political intentions are not noble. At the expense of the weaker sections exploitation takes place. NGO's raise issues on their behalf and now a days do succeed in getting them justice. Yes there can be black sheep like in all professions. Regulation can be there.

As long as the intentions are noble , there is a need of such NGOs to check the thoughtless deeds of the policy makers.

But even such good NGO's need finances to survive. If they do not get it from within the country is there any wrong if they get it from abroad. After all we get foreign money all the time.When it comes into share market it is shown as an achievement although all of us know a good number of investors are going to lose money and only a few smart speculators are going to profit handsomely.

There are several voluntary organizations, not with that fancy prefixNGO, which are getting finances from the willing public. Their contributions are in both cash and kind.
I don't have any doubt about 'Narmada Bachao Aandolan' taken up by Medha patkar.

But she is a persona non grata in Gujarat.

How it makes a difference?Rather I would respect her, though she's is a persona non grata in Gujrat, she's fighting for the problems of the people of Gujrat. Epitome of Nobility .

NGO's are necessary because all political intentions are not noble. At the expense of the weaker sections exploitation takes place. NGO's raise issues on their behalf and now a days do succeed in getting them justice. Yes there can be black sheep like in all professions. Regulation can be there.

As long as the intentions are noble , there is a need of such NGOs to check the thoughtless deeds of the policy makers.

But even such good NGO's need finances to survive. If they do not get it from within the country is there any wrong if they get it from abroad. After all we get foreign money all the time.When it comes into share market it is shown as an achievement although all of us know a good number of investors are going to lose money and only a few smart speculators are going to profit handsomely.

There are several voluntary organizations, not with that fancy prefixNGO, which are getting finances from the willing public. Their contributions are in both cash and kind.[/quote

I speak with some knowledge. Their numbers are very very few and sums donated are not enough. Fighting vested interests needs tons of money which is not possible to generate only in India thru Indian donations. That is the true reality.
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