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Also one thing I have also noticed that they ard quite adament. Don't listen to advice properly and will follo their orthodox way of treatment. .. so docs get frustrated.

There is more to it, villagers want free medicines available in hospitals at village level but our village hospitals do not have any medicines beyond Paracetamol and vit B complex, if the villager do not get proper medicines at time of emergency, they are sure in for big bashing. As far residences for doctors, most doctors live in nearby cities from where they commute once in a day to be available for 4-5 hours in all. No doctors however fresh want to go and mishandled in villages for lack of facilities.

That I believe is their limitation as they can't afford costly medicines. But even our govt. Haven't given costly medicines to local despenseries to helpvthem in emergency then how do docs are supposed to help..

That certainly is a problem due to corruption, enough money changes hands in the name of medicines but the ones who deserve, do not get any benefit.

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