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Oh that's great nice way of begging this is professionalism. :laugh:

Don't you know Sanjeev, now everyone are working in professional attitude ;)

let me give an example,
a few days back, two ladies above 60 came to my home asking help. i gave 10 rs. Both were wearing Kerala set sari.

within half hour, again 2 ladies above age 60 came to my home. Same dress code. :cheer: :cheer: . what does it mean?

the person who dropped the ladies for begging made a mistake and posted them ;) in the same lane for their 'professional' work. :laugh: :laugh:
I didn't give them anything :angry: :angry:

This really happens in our place too. I remember how many times we paid money to people in the name of Tsunami in Orissa. people really take advantage of such disasters. :evil:
This is funny indeed. It is also a fun to see that a beggar is also chooser.

Thats what makes it even more amusing...Sometimes Safforn clad sadhus come begging and if we ask them to move on, they curse and many people actually think that those curses work and so pay up.The fellows dont accept anything less than 5 or 10 rupees...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

LOL, that is a very smart way of begging....I am sure they too have hiked their minimum rates now, given the increased inflation ...

Some have become rich, just by begging. :woohoo:

Want to make each day Accountable

LOL, that is a very smart way of begging....I am sure they too have hiked their minimum rates now, given the increased inflation ...

Some have become rich, just by begging. :woohoo:

how do you know? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
any live examples to quote? ;) :P

Meera sandhu
LOL, that is a very smart way of begging....I am sure they too have hiked their minimum rates now, given the increased inflation ...

Some have become rich, just by begging. :woohoo:

Is that so ? what kind of begging, that is even more important, may be they snoop around by the day and steal by the night,one can never say :huh:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Good bussiness with out any effort to earn, most of the beggers die rich I think

LOL, that is a very smart way of begging....I am sure they too have hiked their minimum rates now, given the increased inflation ...

Some have become rich, just by begging. :woohoo:

Is that so ? what kind of begging, that is even more important, may be they snoop around by the day and steal by the night,one can never say :huh:

Actually, there have been many cases in Mumbai where the beggars died of sickness or illness on the streets, when the police were summoned to move their bodies, thousands and in a few cases lakhs of rupees were found in hard cash hidden amongst their tattered belongings!! Money they begged for years and hoarded them up without using any!

There are also a few known cases where these men used to commute daily to their chosen places of begging, change into beggars' outfits, go about begging entire day, then change in respectable clothes and go back home. These people lived in perfectly normal homes like any of us, leading perfectly normal respectable lives, but had turned to begging because it was many times more profitable than working regular jobs.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

LOL, that is a very smart way of begging....I am sure they too have hiked their minimum rates now, given the increased inflation ...

Some have become rich, just by begging. :woohoo:

how do you know? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
any live examples to quote? ;) :P

See my reply to Usha's post! You will be amazed but there are people who have become rich by beging!

Not to mention hundreds of mafia gangs in Mumbai who use small children for begging on the streets by maiming them in some way or other!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Ha...ha....ha.... very amazing pic. May be it is the a way of increasing money
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