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Pollution like Water, Soil,sound, Air, etc. All the pollution impure environment.

How polluted thing is useful to us?

Be positive
To my knowledge, using polluted things for better purpose is like bio-gas. We get biogas by the polluted waste and cow dunk.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

To my knowledge, using polluted things for better purpose is like bio-gas. We get biogas by the polluted waste and cow dunk.

In 1990s, few families had bio gas plant (using cow dunk) at their home which is a primary source of fuel in my village. But now no one has. All are having gas stoves.

Born to express, not to impress.
We are facing a lot of problem with increasing pollution. I had one idea in my mind why we cannot utilise that pollution for our living sake.

Please give your valuable words towards this idea.

Be specific about the type of pollution. Pollutants can be tuned into profitable business too. Come up with a specific pollutant
Sasi, For example, the air is polluted by smokes released by industries. So will that polluted air is useful to us? No not at all. Like this we can take many examples

Depends on the type of pollutant and the nature of emissions. Not all emissions are hazardous.
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