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15 years ago
Moreover, according to a review of forty-eight studies of comprehensive sex and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)/HIV education program in US schools, there was a strong evidence that such programs did not increase sexual activities but rather reduced them or increased rates of the use of condom or other contraceptives or even both.
I am therefore of the view that parents and guardians should take the bull by the horn and take their wards through comprehensive sex education. This will give them the opportunity of passing the right information to them before their minds are polluted from other sources.
I am therefore of the view that parents and guardians should take the bull by the horn and take their wards through comprehensive sex education. This will give them the opportunity of passing the right information to them before their minds are polluted from other sources.
Aastha Gupta
15 years ago
There are numerous advantages associated with sex education and among them include:
It minimizes the risks and dangers of potentially negative outcomes from sexual behaviors like unwanted pregnancies and being infected with STI's
Enhances quality of relationships between members of the opposite sex
Helps young people to make right choices of life partners and equips the individual to make informed decisions about his/her personal sexual activity.
It minimizes the risks and dangers of potentially negative outcomes from sexual behaviors like unwanted pregnancies and being infected with STI's
Enhances quality of relationships between members of the opposite sex
Helps young people to make right choices of life partners and equips the individual to make informed decisions about his/her personal sexual activity.
Aastha Gupta
15 years ago
aastha wrote:
[quote]There are numerous advantages associated with sex education and among them include:
It minimizes the risks and dangers of potentially negative outcomes from sexual behaviors like unwanted pregnancies and being infected with STI's
Enhances quality of relationships between members of the opposite sex
Helps young people to make right choices of life partners and equips the individual to make informed decisions about his/her personal sexual activity.[/quote]
I completely agree with aastha.
Sex being a shame topic to discuss children get first information from their peer groups.Most of that information will be fake and will awaken his/her sexual curiosity only.If not given proper information at this stage definitely he/she will be mis lead.So sex education is must at this stage.
[quote]There are numerous advantages associated with sex education and among them include:
It minimizes the risks and dangers of potentially negative outcomes from sexual behaviors like unwanted pregnancies and being infected with STI's
Enhances quality of relationships between members of the opposite sex
Helps young people to make right choices of life partners and equips the individual to make informed decisions about his/her personal sexual activity.[/quote]
I completely agree with aastha.
Sex being a shame topic to discuss children get first information from their peer groups.Most of that information will be fake and will awaken his/her sexual curiosity only.If not given proper information at this stage definitely he/she will be mis lead.So sex education is must at this stage.
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15 years ago
And its not the matter of proposing this education in India only, it should be throughout.
Public opinion polls show that most Americans support sex education. Parents and students want sexuality education to be taught in our schools. National surveys underscore parental support for school-based sexuality education.
For example, a 2004 survey conducted by National Public Radio, the Henry Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Kennedy School of Government documented that more than 90 percent of parents support sexuality education in our schools. The study also showed that the vast majority (93 percent) of parents found that the sex education programs in their children’s school were either very helpful or somewhat helpful to their child in dealing with sexual issues.
Public opinion polls show that most Americans support sex education. Parents and students want sexuality education to be taught in our schools. National surveys underscore parental support for school-based sexuality education.
For example, a 2004 survey conducted by National Public Radio, the Henry Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Kennedy School of Government documented that more than 90 percent of parents support sexuality education in our schools. The study also showed that the vast majority (93 percent) of parents found that the sex education programs in their children’s school were either very helpful or somewhat helpful to their child in dealing with sexual issues.
Aastha Gupta
15 years ago
I think its right it should be decided by public opinion that's right way and discussion will never end to make decision for sex education.
So I am going to create poll for sex education in boddunan.
So I am going to create poll for sex education in boddunan.
Santosh Kumar Singh
15 years ago
I have created poll for this today and whatever voted till now is 50% not supporting for sex education so to increase your chances of winning this gd go to poll and vote it.
Santosh Kumar Singh
15 years ago
Santosh Kumar Singh wrote:
[quote]I have created poll for this today and whatever voted till now is 50% not supporting for sex education so to increase your chances of winning this gd go to poll and vote it.[/quote]
Sanrtosh Sir, you added poll on boddunan.com and if 6 persons daily vote for every poll and in from that 6 4 person votes for unfavor of sex education and 2 persons vote in favor of sex education, then its mean not that there is no need of sex education. These 6 people or parents all youth India can't set the favor or unfavor of sex education. Its depends on our youth , what they wanna and every youth wannts their good health. So Youth need sex education.
[quote]I have created poll for this today and whatever voted till now is 50% not supporting for sex education so to increase your chances of winning this gd go to poll and vote it.[/quote]
Sanrtosh Sir, you added poll on boddunan.com and if 6 persons daily vote for every poll and in from that 6 4 person votes for unfavor of sex education and 2 persons vote in favor of sex education, then its mean not that there is no need of sex education. These 6 people or parents all youth India can't set the favor or unfavor of sex education. Its depends on our youth , what they wanna and every youth wannts their good health. So Youth need sex education.
15 years ago
Abid Areacode wrote:
[quote]Dear friends,
Here the discussion goes who to teach , how to teach rather than its importance in Indian situation.
I think medical students study about physiology and anatomy of our body.There they had given lectures, models and even live experiences in some matters.There neither teacher nor students feel shame to teach or to hear or to look.That is due to their maturity level.If the same was taught to an high school student like that really he/she will be too shy even to look to teacher's face.
So my opinion is that the content to be taught and method to be taught in each class is to be clearly defined before introducing the sex education.Also the parents should be given some instructions to talk about the problems that their children face during adolescence.Then through a teacher - parent discussion a solution may be put forward.Any how sex education is a must in our education system.[/quote]
Abid , i am fully agree with your opinions. If medical students and medical teachers not hesitate from this type of education, they who should we. Every person must have the sex education, because if your opposite person don't have this type of knowledge perfectly, then you can also make them clear about their doubts.
Remember Always : If one person have sex Education, then he/she can safe so many people from dangerous dieases and if So many people of India have sex education, then all can safe many times more than that number of persons from dangerous people. Indian population is so much big, so Need the help of our youth and old people both for spreading this education.
[quote]Dear friends,
Here the discussion goes who to teach , how to teach rather than its importance in Indian situation.
I think medical students study about physiology and anatomy of our body.There they had given lectures, models and even live experiences in some matters.There neither teacher nor students feel shame to teach or to hear or to look.That is due to their maturity level.If the same was taught to an high school student like that really he/she will be too shy even to look to teacher's face.
So my opinion is that the content to be taught and method to be taught in each class is to be clearly defined before introducing the sex education.Also the parents should be given some instructions to talk about the problems that their children face during adolescence.Then through a teacher - parent discussion a solution may be put forward.Any how sex education is a must in our education system.[/quote]
Abid , i am fully agree with your opinions. If medical students and medical teachers not hesitate from this type of education, they who should we. Every person must have the sex education, because if your opposite person don't have this type of knowledge perfectly, then you can also make them clear about their doubts.
Remember Always : If one person have sex Education, then he/she can safe so many people from dangerous dieases and if So many people of India have sex education, then all can safe many times more than that number of persons from dangerous people. Indian population is so much big, so Need the help of our youth and old people both for spreading this education.
15 years ago
Santosh Kumar Singh wrote:
[quote]I have created poll for this today and whatever voted till now is 50% not supporting for sex education so to increase your chances of winning this gd go to poll and vote it.[/quote]
Sir, according to me, its 50% now, who are supporting sex education in India.
But you are forgetting one thing, the topic of the GD, its Should sex education be made compulsory at schooling?
But you have only taken it to for India.
And I think, polling cannot lead us to any solution of this GD.
GD means discussions of the topic, counting its good and bad, taking everybody's opinion, and finally reaching to a conclusion. Conclusion and solution are two different things. Conclusion has mixture of for and against the topic, but solution has one specific answer. So we cannot find its solution, rather we will have its conclusion.
[quote]I have created poll for this today and whatever voted till now is 50% not supporting for sex education so to increase your chances of winning this gd go to poll and vote it.[/quote]
Sir, according to me, its 50% now, who are supporting sex education in India.
But you are forgetting one thing, the topic of the GD, its Should sex education be made compulsory at schooling?
But you have only taken it to for India.
And I think, polling cannot lead us to any solution of this GD.
GD means discussions of the topic, counting its good and bad, taking everybody's opinion, and finally reaching to a conclusion. Conclusion and solution are two different things. Conclusion has mixture of for and against the topic, but solution has one specific answer. So we cannot find its solution, rather we will have its conclusion.
Aastha Gupta
15 years ago
You are right aastha...
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