Ambitions…..BIG & small-10 Steps to releasing
1. Unlike what many believe being ambitious is a positive trait. It can in other words be described as having dreams or goals, coupled with an intense desire to achieve! Ambitious are often in their dormant form, mere ideas that often seem practically impossible and yet that persistently keep knocking on your brains, in spite of being pushed away time and again. Recognizing it is the first step to realizing it.
2. Don’t just listen to your head when deciding whether you want to pursue the goal or not, listen to your heart as well! Logic and dreamers often never go in hand, yet achievers who are dreamers and doers certainly do! If the fulfillment of the goal brings about some good, either to you or to others it certainly is worth realizing.
3. Fall in love with your ambition and start wanting to achieve it with the same intensity as you want to live! If done with utmost sincerity, this step has the power not only to set the forces within us but also those unexplained forces outside us into motion, resulting in your progress.
4. From the start, believe you will succeed in realizing your ambition. Put all negative thoughts, bitter past experiences and the fear of failure on the back burner, since these creates low self esteem, lack of focus, loneliness, anger, regret and hold us back.
5. Use visualization to strengthen your ambition. Do so by bringing your body to a relaxed state, close your eyes, use deep breathing and start visually imaging that your ambition is getting realized. While in this state feel the pride and joy of succeeding. Do so at least twice every day.
6. Write out your ambition on paper, with a deadline based honest and ethical plan of action on how to fulfill it… the benefits it will bring and the obstacles to be overcome. You can even pin it to the wall. Daily go through it with a stronger resolve to fulfill it. Every day, learn something new about your ambition and add it on the paper, along with a record of any initial successes achieved.
7. Tenaciously hold on to your ambition, no matter how much you are discouraged. Tackle people who demotivate you, by standing your ground firmly and instead convincing them that you are right.
8. Cultivate patience to ensure that your dream reaches the finishing line despite inevitable obstacle by anticipating them and moving past them. If necessary take tiny steps if the going is tough, but do not give up.
9. Be resilient in case you encounter failure at any step by tackling obstacles. Just remember failure is the biggest teacher. It is almost always just when one is about to succeed that most people give up show resilience to bounce back and try again even if it means starting all over again.
10. Celebrate the smaller achievements you have made so far, to built your confidence level and strengthen your belief in yourself. Recognizing and appreciating past successes will help you to gain courage and confidence to move on.