You must have noticed how some of us do not gain any weight, irrespective of what they may eat , but on the other hand a few others blow out like balloons. I would love to explain this weight paradox with a seemingly simple example of a crocodile. An adult Crocodile weighs at least 500 kilograms, and an adult human weighs above 50 kilograms (excluding the rare exceptions in either cases). The interesting fact is that crocodiles eat much less than what we eat per day but manage to gain body weight quicker. The answer is simple, Crocodiles are cold blooded. Crocodiles do not have to spend the extra amount of calories to burn in combustion to keep their blood warm unlike us. Most of the food we consume is spent out to energize our warm bodies. In short crocodiles and humans have variable rates of combustion which is reflected in their differences in body masses. This rule is applicable among different humans too. We all have different rates of metabolism, depending on the sex, age and the physical activity of the day. Every individual has a different rate and it varies with age.
To control our weight we have to control the rate of metabolism. Controlling metabolism can be done in a variety of ways
Vigorous exercise of an hour daily would increase the rate of metabolism considerably enough to keep away from the obesity scale, but most of us would rather prefer to sit in front of the T.V than to hit the gym.
The easy technique would to be control the intake of the food:
The trick does not lie in minimizing the amount but it lies in maximizing the quality of the food consumed.
If the amount of food consumed it minimized then it would send wrong signals to the body that it is being starved and it must save itself for the period of drought to be followed shortly and so it would drop down the rate of metabolism in your body to a minimum and it would check your efforts to clip fat off your body.
The right thing to do would be to take in metabolism boosting foods