In this part-1 of data structure we are going to see some of the types of data structures and their definitions. Then in upcoming part-2 we will see them with their syntax and some examples. And remember, this is only the basics. When you started working on a computer you must've wondered that where do all the letters you type, pictures you see resides. Well basically they are called as Data formally organised. Normal people indicate a thing is perfect, only when that thing is perfectly structured and organised
Definitions Of A 'Data Structure':
Most of the memory in your computer is occupied only by the data. And hence data which occupies space must be organised. So, the logical or mathematical model or a technique of a particular organization of data is called a data structure.
Definition Of An 'Algorithm':
An algorithm may be defined as a finite sequence of instructions each of which has a clear meaning.
Conditions For An 'Algorithm':
- Limits: Each algorithm must terminate after a specific or certain number of steps.
- Clear State: The steps involving algorithms must be accurately clear.
- Intended Result: For a better result of the processes the steps involving algorithms must have basic solutions.
- Purpose: The target or mission of an algorithm must be to solve the problem and find a solution and destroy any interupts
Definition Of An 'Array':
An array may be defined as one of the data structures whose elements are all of same data type.
Basic Example: char a[100].......where char-data type; a-variable; containing 100 elements
Definition Of A 'Structure':
A structure is also one of the data structure with its own keyword struct and in which the individual elements stored in structure may differ in data type. It can have elements of ll dta types like char, int, float and more....and other data structures such as pointers and array can also be a member of the structure.
Basic Example: struct boddunan{ int regno, char name[8], float balance };....where struct is keyword and boddunan is structure name and each structure must be terminated with a semicolon.
Definition Of A 'Pointer':
Basically a pointer is one of the derived data type of C and C++. Such pointers contain memory addresses as their values and hence pointers made it simple to access the data just by calling the pointer since the address of the specified data is stored in the pointer itself and thus the data are manipulated simply through pointer...
Rajkumar( Will be back in Part-2)