There are thousands of people online in the hunt of some good and genuine online jobs. There are lots  of sites in the Internet (which can be easily found by googling) , which demand to give thousands of dollars for very minimal or almost no work. But most of these sites are fraud. These offers are 'too good to be true'. There are many Data Entry Job sites which announces "Earn $15K per week " or like that and they take money for sending start-up kits. But once you have paid that money they will not contact you at all, resulting a complete wastage of money.

Due to these reasons stated above, Paid To Click or PTC sites have become very popular for online money making purpose. These sites pay you for clicking on the affiliated ads. You have to just click on the ads which they keep in the earning area and wait for some time until the timer runs out. You can view only one ad at a time. There are some referral programs too. After registering in any PTC site you will get a unique URL or web address which can be used to refer your friends or anyone else. You will get a share of the money earned by your referrals. Sometimes you get the share of earnings of referrals of your referrals in a chained system.The most convenience of PTC sites is that they pay you through online banks like Alertpay or Paypal where you can create free accounts.

Now one may think , " Are all the PTC sites genuine?", and the answer is : No. Most of the PTC sites are fake. They promise to pay you $1-$10 per click which is not possible by any company. You must keep in mind that they are here for making profit. If they start to pay such a high amount of money per click, they will be bankrupts soon. So, this is a clear indication of being fraud. Genuine paying sites will never pay you more that 1 cent ( $0.01) per click. There are some reputed PTC sites like neobux, theclickers, velvetclix, pplinx, clickers-union, foreverclix , Jaysu etc. But still you should not spend money in these sites for upgrading account. Pay only if you can afford to lose it.

To be successful in PTC, you must keep patience and keep working hard. You will not start earning a lot of money from the very first day. You have to strive for increasing the number of referrals and once you have an enough number of active referrals, your earning will increase dramatically.

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