Articles [General Reference]

  Can you remember that past time, when we used to wait impatient for some one's postal letter? Through letters, not only some piece of information is passed, but also lots and lots of love, emotions, happiness, sorrows, fun and many feelings are...

India what we know as "Bharat" is a land where facts lie side by side with myths, truths with pseudo truths and what not! Today when the world is celebrating the great Sachin Tendulkar's 100th 100 - a unique feat which, doubtless, deserves to be...

The prospect of withdrawing oneself from what one has been doing for days,years and decades could be scary for the majority of the masses and which can be termed as 'retirement blues'. The natural tendency amongst us to hang around for as long as...

A study of the flows of money into India by the Indian diaspora settling abroad may be quite interesting. And the reason for the government courting Non-Resident Indians could be found from the significant amount of foreign exchanges that the...

On 19th February of this year a scandalous incident took place in Kolkata involving a woman with disability which brings into bold relief our general attitudes towards disability and the unfortunate victims of it. India's record in protection of...

  Types of Wine And Their Uses There are many different types of wines available in the market. Wine is an alcoholic beverage which is made from fruits like grapes, apple, barley, ginger, berries, etc and wines names are based on the fruit...

  Chromotherapy - Color Therapy Chromotherapy or Color Therapy is a complementary medicine and a form of healing. It deals with the use of light in order to balance the lack of energy in human body. It is believed that the whenever human body...

   Let the magic of Anna work                     "A leader is one who can have others to follow him"  is what the exponentially growing support of the mass towards anna Hazare's   crusade against corruption  highlights. Evidently, successful...

 How your mind is going to react if you come to know that the dish containing your mouth-watering meals have bacteria in good numbers which are not so visible to your naked eyes! Your reaction surely would not be any different form that of mine....

On Friday, March 9, in Banglore an eagerly awaited announcement was to be made with pressmen crowding at the venue and came these words: " What I'm about to say is meant for you as a friend....On Friday, I'll be retiring from international...

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