Articles [General Reference]

Many thinkers, pacifists, humanitarians and political economists hold the view that a world government is necessary for the welfare, progress, safety, security and world peace. Bertrand Russell and Aldous Huxley explained the importance and the...

  All activities are time related All human activities need deployment of resources like man power, materials, machinery etc. Any resource or activity not expressed in term of time is meaningless. Labour productivity is production per hour. The...

Hi friends in this article let us see the power of journalists and media against some of the cheap political party, who just run their party only on the basis o religion, cast and states. Such a shameful attack occurred on 20th November 2009, when...

Hi friends in this article let us discuss the situation that is happening in Pakistan. Recently whenever you see any TV channels you can watch the Flash news such that bomb blast in Pakistan. Even today when I woke early in the morning I was...

Stress can make our lives unhappy. Certain amount of stress is essential for our lives , but too much of it can through it out of the way. Stress can be caused due to many reasons such as death of loved ones, location change, new job, work...

Hi friends in this article let us discuss about some of the very basic, which we are not aware, that includes me but somehow managed to know the information now, but it is really good in knowing this fact. We are not going to discuss a very...

Next time you have your friends over; surprise them with these healthy and yummy dishes. a) Sprout salad Sprout salad serves this healthy, full of proteins and spicy sprout sold. Its make your own sprouts. It is magic food. Making Preparation...

Before this world existed, before the universe, or anything at all existed,God was. He was been and always will be. He is eternal. He made the heavens and the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, the lakes, rivers and the mountains, the trees...

  Indira Gandhi- The Iconic Woman   The very name of our first woman Prime Minister evokes the image of a popular leader whose two terms as Prime Minister record her phenomenal achievement and attainments in the realm of our politics, economic...

एक टुकडा उस चाँद का जिसे देख कर रुके थे हम एक बूँद उस बारिश की जिसमे घुल गए थे सारे गम एक झलक उस घर की जहाँ ठहरने की जिद की थी एक पंखुडी उस फूल की जिसने दी तुम्हे हंसी थी थोडी तपिश उस धूप की जिसमे कदम रुके थे और थोड़े से बिखरे वो पल जो साथ में बुने...

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