Articles [General Reference]

Love at first sight Love starts with complimenting physical beauty. which generaly occurs at the fist site. Well "Love At First Site" sound exciting! But it only sounds exciting and forms a great theme for bollywood. And unfortunately it is what...

Raise your eyes and look at the heavens. Who created all these stars? Do you not know that it is God? Haven't you heard? God is the everlasting God, the creator of all things. No one can understand his wisdom. This is what God says, the one who...

Today, the telephone is a part of everyday life. We use the telephone so much that it is difficult to imagine life without it. It was Friday afternoon on 10 March 1876. Aleck was sitting in one room testing a transmitter. Wires connected it to a...

Nowadays both men and women have hectic work schedules and only weekends save them. So they would to like to enjoy their weekends. There's nothing in that. At the same time we have to keep our house clean and should manage our personal work also....

There was a time when books used to be our secondary source of information, the primary course of information being newspaper, radio and television.  With the advent of Internet and search engines almost every information is available to us from...

the two villages!there are 2 villages1-the Truth village-where every1 speaks the truth2-the Lie village-where..every one speak lie-one is on the left of the road and one on the right side long way off...-Your job is 2 find out which is...

UniTed We StAnd Divided We Fall... Jai Hind... If TuRn Your Back to This itS LikE TuRning YOur BAck To YouR oWn FlEsh AnD BLooD... JoIN To ShoW youR PRiDEDelhi for "Majesty"Banglore for "Beauty"Chennai for "Cooks"Kashmir for "Looks"Gujarat for...

  ‘Virtue’ means a ‘Good Quality’ or a ‘Good Character’. A man of virtue has goodness,  moral qualities and a love to do the right action. Patience is a virtue. Truthfulness is another virtue. Chastity is also a virtue. Hope , faith and charity...

People have discovered the usefulness and profitableness of cooperative stores and cooperative societies. They are the unions of people who work together for production or distribution of goods and commodities. They equally share the profit or...

The main objective of a learning a language is using language comfortably for communication. One can learn learn swimming only by swimming. It is a skill. A skill is to be practiced. One should listen to others and try to speak without any fear...

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