Every time our government decides to hike the prices of petroleum products we just go hysterical overlooking the fact that someone somewhere has to bear the burden of mounting import bills on crude petroleum. It is interesting to note the discussions centering around this price hike also witness our interests in the progress made so far on finding the alternate renewable sources of energy - solar and wind energy. Whether solar power or solar energy can ever meet our energy requirements in a big way. We keep on hearing such terms as solar panel, solar cells, solar lights, solar heat, solar power generation, solar power kits and so on.
Key Technologies and Solar Power
There are two technologies available at this point of time viz., solar photovoltaic and solar thermal. In solar photovoltaic sunlight is directly converted to solar electricity using special semiconductors which release solar electricity and in solar thermal the sunlight is converted to heat energy by using specially designed mirror which direct the sunlight into a small area and capturing the heat through special fluids. This heat energy is converted to steam to run turbines and generators.
India and Solar Power
It is really shocking to note that an estimated 400 million people mostly living in the remote rural areas are denied any power and the lot of these hapless people can be significantly improved if use of solar lantern can be popularized in these regions. Solar lanterns could be a blessing for areas which experience erratic supply of power. Some of our geographical regions are solar rich where sun light available is plenty and solar panel installation can bring about a qualitative change in the energy supply situation.
The only thing that needs to be ensured is the production of photovoltaic solar panels, solar batteries and other solar products within the reach of the common man. This clean and green source of energy, if tapped appropriately, can contribute substantially to reduce our fast depleting conventional sources of energy. In fact the government is seriously exploring all possibilities in this regard. It has entered into agreements with some leading European and other countries to import latest technologies. A lot still needs to be done in this area. The government should strive more vigorously in creating the right environment for research and development activities in this area by sponsoring research in filed solar energy and promoting greater collaboration between industry and research organizations.
The Young Man and His Solar Lamp
Now the story of an entrepreneurial venture of popularizing use of solar lamp by a young bright Indian. Mayank Skesharia who returned from the USA with great idea of making and marketing solar lamps under a brand 'Sun King". This lamp is very compact, light and capable of producing light which is five times more than a kerosene lamp and the cost is the consumption of kerosene for six months. He has his novel ways to market this product. He hope to engage the various self-help groups to promote its sale.