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15 years ago
A number of discussions to increase online users have read here.I have a suggestion.
Introduce some daily spot contests like some mathematical puzzle or word game or something like that for a limited period of time.The time should be strictly random.Besides cash/point reward that day's winners name should blink or scroll on home page.
Share your opinion friends.
Introduce some daily spot contests like some mathematical puzzle or word game or something like that for a limited period of time.The time should be strictly random.Besides cash/point reward that day's winners name should blink or scroll on home page.
Share your opinion friends.
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15 years ago
Crossing 5000 is a great achievement.In order to make it a memorable one can you introduce some reward to the referal and the member ? Additional Points like 500 to referal and 50 to new comer may be good.Our members may also be enthusiastic to make others join then.If cash awrad the contest will be great (But I fear some malpractice then)
Friends what do you say?
Friends what do you say?
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15 years ago
Guys, Thank you and congratulations to you for the suggestions and support and of course 5000 mark. On account of 5K mark and new year, we are going to introduce another money making program. You can think about it and post what it would be. 2 more days to go..
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
15 years ago
Thanks for the good news.Hope all users will rush their views soon.Also I hope the suggestions here will be considered by you.
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15 years ago
i am happy maverick and pls consider keeping the minimum payout 1000 only as some of us rely on boddunan for some of our expenses.
15 years ago
My suggestion is that Boddunan may consider awarding points also alongwith each cash awards. It would be better if some points also could be awarded to the cash award winners.
Here is the link to th thread:
Here is the link to th thread:
Harish Jharia
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