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15 years ago
My OS is Windows XP SP2.Browser Firefox and regarding firewall the default setting only.Whether any other thing required to know?
My OS is Windows XP SP2.Browser Firefox and regarding firewall the default setting only.Whether any other thing required to know?
Visit my blogs:
15 years ago
My suggestions are :
1) For every 500 points, some cash credits ( Rs.5 to Rs.10 ) can be given to members as some people cannot be eligible for revenue sharing because of lack of time. This can make all members more active.
2) Now we have two daily contests: Top voter and Top commenter of the day which does not give much work to our mind for thinking. Instead some kind of puzzles, riddles, testing our english skills, logical reasoning, maths puzzles can be conducted daily and cash credits or points can be given for that. In this way we can have different contests for each day. For example
Monday - Puzzle , Tuesday - Testing english skills, Wednesday - logical reasoning etc.
In this way people will think more and can also be active.
1) For every 500 points, some cash credits ( Rs.5 to Rs.10 ) can be given to members as some people cannot be eligible for revenue sharing because of lack of time. This can make all members more active.
2) Now we have two daily contests: Top voter and Top commenter of the day which does not give much work to our mind for thinking. Instead some kind of puzzles, riddles, testing our english skills, logical reasoning, maths puzzles can be conducted daily and cash credits or points can be given for that. In this way we can have different contests for each day. For example
Monday - Puzzle , Tuesday - Testing english skills, Wednesday - logical reasoning etc.
In this way people will think more and can also be active.
15 years ago
Cash credits on points is an impressive proposal.
Yet, Indiscriminate offer of cash credit simply on points is not advisable.
Yet, Indiscriminate offer of cash credit simply on points is not advisable.
Harish Jharia
15 years ago
As far as earning points are concerned even spammers can also earn points by posting copied / defective contents and by following unfair practices.
Harish Jharia
15 years ago
Boddunan may consider awarding cash credits on really meaningful threads and genuine answers posted on the forum feature.
By that Forum will be another section in addition to Article section for cash credits.
By that Forum will be another section in addition to Article section for cash credits.
Harish Jharia
15 years ago
Meean wrote:
[quote] Now we have two daily contests: Top voter and Top commenter of the day which does not give much work to our mind for thinking. Instead some kind of puzzles, riddles, testing our english skills, logical reasoning, maths puzzles can be conducted daily and cash credits or points can be given for that. In this way we can have different contests for each day.
In this way people will think more and can also be active.[/quote]
Absolutely very good idea.
[quote] Now we have two daily contests: Top voter and Top commenter of the day which does not give much work to our mind for thinking. Instead some kind of puzzles, riddles, testing our english skills, logical reasoning, maths puzzles can be conducted daily and cash credits or points can be given for that. In this way we can have different contests for each day.
In this way people will think more and can also be active.[/quote]
Absolutely very good idea.
Visit my blogs:
15 years ago
Meean wrote:
[quote]My suggestions are :
2) Now we have two daily contests: Top voter and Top commenter of the day which does not give much work to our mind for thinking. Instead some kind of puzzles, riddles, testing our english skills, logical reasoning, maths puzzles can be conducted daily and cash credits or points can be given for that. In this way we can have different contests for each day. For example
Monday - Puzzle , Tuesday - Testing english skills, Wednesday - logical reasoning etc.
In this way people will think more and can also be active.[/quote]
Meean, this is a wonderful idea. Infact, we have been discussing some sort of this like daily news section but not able to start due to heavy load on me. I will start this today along with news section. Thank you appreciate the suggestion.
[quote]My suggestions are :
2) Now we have two daily contests: Top voter and Top commenter of the day which does not give much work to our mind for thinking. Instead some kind of puzzles, riddles, testing our english skills, logical reasoning, maths puzzles can be conducted daily and cash credits or points can be given for that. In this way we can have different contests for each day. For example
Monday - Puzzle , Tuesday - Testing english skills, Wednesday - logical reasoning etc.
In this way people will think more and can also be active.[/quote]
Meean, this is a wonderful idea. Infact, we have been discussing some sort of this like daily news section but not able to start due to heavy load on me. I will start this today along with news section. Thank you appreciate the suggestion.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
15 years ago
Maverick Now days New members are coming with new ideas then why do not you focus on suggestion forum and members will suggest there how to improve Boddunan and what the changes they want.
Start a forum and close it after 7 day so that no body can spam unnecessarily and Give them rs50 cash Or 200 points whose suggestion get implemented by Boddunan
Start a forum and close it after 7 day so that no body can spam unnecessarily and Give them rs50 cash Or 200 points whose suggestion get implemented by Boddunan
15 years ago
Suggestions and feedback forum is already exist on boddunan. Please click categories. Also awarding the most useful ideas with cash and adhoc awards.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
15 years ago
I have created a new forum "Daily Dose" to discuss day to day activities. I request members to discuss topics that are useful to everyone.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
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